The water which is contaminated with various
disease-causing agents and once used water is generally called the
wastewater. The wastewater treatment
process is to eradicate these foreign disease-causing agents from the
contaminated water and make it available for reuse. There are many technologies
has been used to purify these contaminated water depending upon their level of
Ozonation is a good water treatment system. The ozone
treatment systems are using many water treatment companies for removal
of color substances, improve water taste, vanish the odor and disinfection of
the water for reuse. The ozonation technology also reduces chlorine and
pathogens in water.
Unlike physical as well as the chemical process of
water purification there is certain biological process also very effective in
wastewater management. There a certain percentage of BOM (Biodegradable Organic
Matter) in the water. This can be purified by using biological filtration
method. Some water treatment technology companies use biological
filtration immediate after the ozonation of water for double pure drinking
Exchange Technology:
Ion exchange water treatment technology is a chemical
process of wastewater management system. This technology is used for extract
harmful minerals from the water like selenium, arsenic, nitrate, fluoride,
chromate, radium, barium and lead etc. The equipment used in the water
treatment plant is specially designed for the purpose by the water &wastewater equipment company.
In this process of wastewater management, hydrogen
peroxide is used along with the Ultra Violate light. The hydrogen peroxide
produces free hydroxyl radicals by making a chemical reaction with the UV rays.
These radicals help destroy the micropollutants of the water.
Filtration Technology:
Membrane filtration technology is one of the oldest
yet very effective wastewater management systems. This is divided into two
categories. One is the use of low- pressure membranes and another one is the
high-pressure membrane. Almost every sewage treatment plant servicing
have this membrane filtration technology.
In the low-pressure membrane system the micro level
waste materials are purified. The microfilters, as well as the ultrafilter are
highly used in low-pressure membrane technology. In the other hand,
high-pressure membrane technology for water filtration act on the nano level
particles. The nanofiltration is used widely in this system. In high-pressure
technology the Reverse Osmosis technology also use.
are some of the highly used wastewater management systems for purification of
the contaminated water and supply for reuse.
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